Welcome to Run 8 Studios!
We put the TRAINS back in the Train
Simulator World!

Run 8 Train Simulator V3 is finally available and we could not have done it without the community's generous feedback, patience, and support over the last 12 years. Thank you everyone and we hope you enjoy where we are going with v3 of our program.
BUY RUN8 V3 NOW or to learn more about
version 3 of our program and what we included with it click
IMPORTANT NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all of our route and trainset addons are compatiable with v2 or v3!
New Run8 V3 Update 20 - DECEMBER 12 2024 Now Available!
CLICK HERE to get the new update app now and make sure to check out the new Run8 Updater App Instructions here!

NEW! NS AGS South Phase 1 route is now available!
Phase 1 of the NS AGS SOUTH DISTRICT covers roughly 85 miles between NS Norris Yard in Birmingham, and Powers Alabama. Along the route are numerous industries and transfer yards serviced by eleven NS local jobs.
Here to get it now! Or to learn more Click

NEW! MOW PACK 1 is now available!
The new pack includes loaded and unloaded UP, CSX, and BNSF tie cars. And UP, CSX, and BNSF wheel cars.
Here to get it now!

NEW! BNSF-UP Fresno to Modesto route is now available!
The new route includes over 250 miles of track and industries. A new M&ET MP15. Several yards and four new Amtrak stops and some with new stations. There are also new grade charts, Fresno Modesto Notes, and Central California Industries PDF documents in the UserGuide folder.
Here to get it now! Or to learn more Click

NEW! Mixed Freight Pack 6 is now available!
The new pack includes: CSX MoW Geo Car, 60ft. HC UP Boxcar, Carbon Hoppers in CABX and ECQX liveries, T389 ACF Tank Cars in LPG GATX UTLX liveries.
Here to get them now!

NEW! MP15 Pack 3 is now available *REQUIRES V3!
The pack includes BN Patched BNSF, SP Patched UP, GMTX, and CSX liveries. Also includes new 3D cabs, animated windows, doors, windshield wipers, and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! Amtrak Viewliner II Pack 1 is now available *REQUIRES V3!
The pack includes the following Amtrak Viewliner II equipment; Baggage P3, Baggage P3A, Baggage Dorm P3, Sleeper P3, Sleeper P3A, and a Diner P3 livery. Also includes new 3D Diner and 3D Sleeper interiors, and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! MP15 Pack 2 is now available *REQUIRES V3!
The pack includes BN, BNSF Swoosh, NS and SP liveries. Also includes new 3D cabs, animated windows, doors, windshield wipers, and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! MP15 Pack 1 is now available *REQUIRES V3!
The pack includes Run8 RR, BNSF Heritage I, Amtrak, Union Pacific, and CSX YN3 liveries. Also includes new cabs, animated windows, doors, windshield wipers, and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! NS South Fork Secondary now available! *REQUIRES V3!
CLICK HERE to get the new route! or here to LEARN MORE

NEW! Mixed Freight Pack 5 is now available!
The new pack includes: 60ft. Boxcars in Western Pacific, Canadian Pacific, and Union Pacific liveries - T104 Trinity Tank Cars in JRSX, TILX (sulphur), and UTLX liveries.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! CSX Baldwin now available! *REQUIRES V3!
CLICK HERE to get the new route! or here to LEARN MORE

NEW! NS Pittsburgh Sub East Route now available! *REQUIRES V3!
CLICK HERE to get the new route! or here to LEARN MORE

NEW! Mixed Freight Pack 4 is now available!
The new pack includes: 40ft. Class K344 Ortner Aggregate Hoppers in CSX, FEC, SP, and Conrail liveries - Two Class K344 Raceland Rebuild Aggregate Hoppers Cars in CSX livery - And a T389 ACF Tank Car in LPG ACFX white livery.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

The update includes a free cool trackmobile complete with cab and sounds!

NEW! CSX Fitzgerald Sub Route now available! *REQUIRES V3!
CLICK HERE to get the new route! or here to LEARN MORE
HyRail Simulations has another update for the Aline and Waycross routes for Run8 V3.
CLICK HERE to visit their website and get the new update!

NEW! Mixed Freight Pack 3 is now available!
The new pack includes: 60ft. Hi-Cube Boxcars in NS, CSX, and TTX liveries - T104 Tank Cars in ADMX, and TILX Sulfer liveries - T389 ACF Tank Cars in LPG SHPX, and NH3 CWBX liveries.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! Dash 9 Pack 3 is now available!
The pack includes BNSF Heritage I and BNSF Swoosh units. And CSX YN2 and YN3 liveries. Also includes new cabs, animated windows, doors, windshield wipers. and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! SP-UP Roseville Sub Route now available! *REQUIRES V3!
CLICK HERE to get the new route! or here to LEARN MORE
HyRail Simulations has another update for the Aline and Waycross routes for Run8 V3.
CLICK HERE to visit their website and get the new update!

NEW! Dash 9 Pack 2 now available!
The pack includes BNSF Warbonnet and BNSF Heritage II units. And Union Pacific units in fresh and weathered liveries. Also includes two different cabs, animated windows, doors, windshield wipers. and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! Dash 9 Pack 1 now available!
The pack includes Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Dash9s in fresh and weathered liveries. Also includes two different cabs, animated windows, doors, windshield wipers. and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!

NEW! Open Hopper Pack 3 now available!
The pack includes eight different liveries of the Aluminum AutoFlood III coal hoppers; BNSF, NS, OUCX, UP, CEFX, GGPX, TILX, and MBKX.
CLICK HERE to get the new pack now!
HyRail Simulations has an update for the Aline and Waycross routes for Run8 V3.
CLICK HERE to visit their website and get the new update!
The 9th Run8 V2 Update (11.25.2019)
The 9th update includes some FREE new GP40-2 SJVR locomotives (added in update 8) that users have been asking for and also fixes a few more things that were reported since the last update. Thank you for your feedback we really do appreciate it.
CLICK HERE to get the new update now and make sure to check out the new ChangeLog!
NEW! Lone Pine Branch - Trona Railway
The UP\SP Lone Pine Branch starts at the Main 2 Switch just north of Mojave Yard, heading northeast across Highway 14. This branch originally ran for about 150 miles to Lone Pine, CA. In the early 1980's, the Southern Pacific Railroad filed for abandonment of roughly 100 miles from Searles, CA, to Lone Pine. Since then, this branch is only about 50 miles in length, running between Mojave Yard and Searles Yard. Between Mojave and Searles, there are a few industries served at Chaffee, Cantil & Saltdale.
The Trona Railway operates between Searles Yard and the town of Trona, CA, roughly 30 miles in length. Searles Yard is used as an interchange between the UP\SP Railroad and the Trona Railway. This line serves three mineral mining operations that operate next to Searles Lake (a dry lakebed) near the towns of Trona and Argus, CA. The current parent-company owns all three of these operations along with the Trona Railway and its tracks & equipment.
CLICK HERE to get the new route! or here to LEARN MORE
NEW! Run8 Mixed Freight Pack 2
The pack includes three Evans Coil Cars; 1) BNSF Covered, Empty, and Loaded versions. 2) Conrail Covered, Empty, and Loaded versions. 3) CSS Covered, Empty, and Loaded versions.
The pack also includes five PS4750 3-Bay Covered Hoppers in BNSF, CSX, DGHX, NAHX, and Union Pacific. All of the new freight cars include cool features that only Run8
can deliver!
Here to get them now!
NEW! Run8 Mixed Freight Pack 1
The pack includes four Thrall bulkhead flatcars; 1) pole loads. 2) steel beam loads. 3) pipe loads 4) empty version. Two Greenville 86' 10000 cuft auto parts cars in NADX and SSW liveries. And also a FGE Reefer car, and a BN shoving platform! All the cars include cool features that only Run8
can deliver! Click
Here to get them now!
NEW! Run8 Wellcar Pack
The pack includes four different 40ft wellcars with twenty-four different international container load configurations and also four empty versions of the wellcars! All the cars include cool features that only Run8
can deliver! Click
Here to get them now!
NEW! Arvin and Oak Creek Branches
The Arvin Branch joins the SP\UP mainline at Magunden, about 3 miles railroad-east\south of Kern Jct. The branch is approximately 17 miles in length, snaking its way to the south and east, passing thru the towns of Lamont, Digorgio, and ending in Arvin, CA.
The Oak Creek Branch runs between the Wye at Mojave, CA, and a CalPortland cement plant located in Creal, about 8 miles west of Mojave. The grade is 2% and greater uphill westbound. The branch is unsignalled.
more or Buy it now
NEW BNSF Bakersfield Sub route
The BNSF Bakersfield Sub covers roughly 110 miles of mainline between BNSF Bakersfield Yard in Bakersfield, CA to Calwa Yard in Fresno, California. Along the route are numerous grain facilities that are used to unload grain cars for disribution across the central valley. The route also sees 12 Amtrak San Joaquin passenger trains a day servicing 4 stations along the route!
more or Buy it now
NEW BNSF Seligman Sub West Update 1
The update features new assets and scenery that has been added to the route in many places and several issues have been fixed that were pointed out by users. Enjoy!
Please visit our update page to get this new update. CLICK HERE
NEW Waycross Route Update (9.07.2018)
The update features new scenery that has been added to the route in many places and several issues have been fixed that were pointed out by users.
To get the new update please visit HyRail Simulations website.
The Run8 SD70ACE Heritage Pack 1
The pack includes six different liveries; Southern Pacific Heritage, Rio Grande Heritage, Western Pacific Heritage, Katy Heritage, New Jersy Central Heritage, Kansas City Southern Belle, and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver. Click
Here to get them now!
The Run8 Plastic Pellet Cars
The pack includes six different liveries; AMCX, ACFX ElRexene Plastics, ACFX American Hoechst Plastics Division, BPRX, ETCX, KCIX ARCO/Polymers Inc. Click
Here to get them now!
The Run8 Open Hopper Pack 2
The pack includes three Bethgon Tub Cars in BNSF, UP (CMO), and SEMX Seminole Electric Cooperative liveries. The pack also includes three Wood Chip Cars in CSXT Family Lines, GPSX Georgia Pacific, IFRX Infinity Rail LLC Leasing Company. Click
Here to get them now!
The Run8 BNSF San Bernardino Sub (LA)
or to learn more about
the BNSF San Bernardino Sub and what we included with it click
The Run8 SD45-2 Pack 1 and Pack 2
Pack 1 includes eight different liveries; ATSF, ATSF Bicentenial, Arizona California RR, BNSF, CSX, Conrail, CSX (Hockey), Seaboard System, and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
Here to get them now!
Pack 2 includes eight different liveries; ATSF Kodachrome, ATSF Bookend/Pinstripe, Trona Railway, BNSF Patched, NS, CSX Gray-Blue, Conrail Quality, Seaboard Coast Line, and
many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
Here to get them now!
Another BNSF Cajon Sub Upgrade is now available!
Click here to learn more.
The Run8 CSX Waycross route is now available! This
route covers approximately 80 miles in the southeast part of Georgia, the CSX Waycross expansion begins in two places at the current ALine limits. First at Race Pond, GA on the Jesup sub the line travels to Waycross, and to Rice Yard with its receiving yard feeding the 64 track operational Hump Classification bowl! Second at Winokur, GA and continues up to the famous little town of Ludowici, GA. The route also includes the Rayonier Plant which is the worlds largest wood pulp processing facility at Doctortown just north of Jesup and many other cool features that only Run8
can deliver!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please visit HyRail Simulations website to get an important ALine update that will merge the ALine route, if you own it, with the Waycross route after you install it.
Here to get it now!
The Run8 BNSF Seligman Sub West route The
route is roughly 150 miles long and extends the Run8 network from Needles, CA to Seligman, AZ. The route features a double mainline with seperated grades at various places and there are several large industries that are served by locals along the route including the massive Kingman Industrial Park east of Kingman. Amtrak's popular Southwest Chief's #3 and #4 will run at 90MPH in many places and they also change crews at Kingman, AZ. Yes, this may be another desert route but it is an extremely scenic one that runs along the historic highway US Route 66 which spans from the breathtaking Colorado River crossing to the beautiful Crozier Canyon and the scenic Pinon Forests beyond. Oh and one more important thing, the many, many cool features that only Run8
can deliver!
Here to get it now!
The Run8 Wellcar Pack 2 The
pack includes 12 smooth sided wellcars. DTTX and FEC with Hub Group Inc., UMAX, CSX, FedEx and EMP single and double stack container versions with
many cool features that only Run8
can deliver.
Here to get them now!
The Run8 SD40T-2 Pack 1 The
SD40T-2 Tunnel Motor Pack 1 includes the following liveries; Southern Pacific, Southern Pacific patched UP, Rio Grande (DRGW), Rio Grande patched UP, and Union Pacific.
Here to get them now!
IMPORTANT NOTE: All of our trainsets and route addons are compatiable with v3.
check out our latest DLC offerings please visit
our Routes
Page and Trainsets
Page. And the latest ChangeLog from "El
Programmerdero" and new program and route
upgrades can be found on the Updates
Page And if you are really bored you can learn
more about us on the About
Us Page.
for you folks still sitting on the fence on whether
to try Run8 or not, we have something to share
with you. We showed Run 8 to folks out at Barstow,CA
at the Barstow Rail Festival a couple of years
ago and we had a Trainmaster from a Class 1 railroad
come in and check out Run 8, John Greenstone spent
45 minutes with the guy, and he was very impressed
with what we had done so far and before leaving
he told John that Run 8 was much better than the
program(s) that they were using to train their
own engineers! Now how cool is that!
And now
with well over 50,000,000 Run 8 multi-player sessions
operated since August 2012 Run8 with it's superior
physics and operational capabilities continues
to be the #1 Train Simulator of choice
by real railroaders and hard core train sim enthusiasts
world wide!

Train Simulator - We put the TRAINS back in the Train
Simulator World!